CARD-M - Complex for Analysis of Radar Data (Modernized)
Complex for Analysis of Radar Data (in short CARD) – is automated workstation, which intended for monitoring, recording and evaluation of output radar data and some parameters of data from ATC, which is transported by communication channels in ASTERIX protocol.
CARD-M is set of hardware and software components for:
- Connection to output radar data interfaces (HDLC, RS-232, Ethernet LAN);
- Evaluation of Reliability of received data packets on channel level;
- Correspondence evaluation of received authentic packets to expected data format;
- Recording of received data to files;
- Statistical data processing;
- Decoding and graphical display of recorded data in continuous and step-by-step mode;
- Creation of flight check report for radar.
Complex allows to solve number of additional tasks of analysis in process of radar Flight checks
The complex consists of:
- Interface equipment for connecting to radar data (adapter HDLC->RS232->USB).
- Computer processor unit.
- Computer peripheral equipment: 2 monitors, keyboard, mouse, printer.
- Receiver of ADS-B data in format DF-17 – Kinetic Avionics SBS-3 1090 mHz.
- Receiver of GPS signals for accurate time correction.
- Communication equipment: analogue (voice) modems – Tainet, digital SHDSL modems – Dynamix.
- Specialized unique software.
- CARD-M provides a continuous non-stop operation.
- Two sets of equipment provide operation in redundant mode.
- CARD-M provides an interface to the sources of information on the serial interfaces using the modems, as well as on the local area network via specification 10/100/1000 Base-TX.
- CARD-M provides an interface to the following sources of information:
- aerodrome and en-route primary and secondary radars;
- systems for automatic dependent surveillance broadcast with extended monitoring functions in the mode of ADS-B 1090 ES;
- automatic direction finders.
- CARD-M provides a display of:
- information from primary radar in the “raw video” mode;
- information about the history, actual and extrapolated location of the aircraft according to the surveillance systems;
- cartographic information;
- system data (setup of input data ports, current user information etc.);
- direction finder information.
- CARD-M provides processing information in the zone with the following parameters:
- by area - 200x200 km;
- by height from 0m to 15000 m.
- CARD-M provides surveillance data combining from multiple sources (aerodrome and en-route primary and secondary radar, automatic dependent surveillance systems). The number of simultaneously connected to the product and process information sources - not less than 3.
- CARD-M provides delivery to display the current location of the aircraft in the form of marks at a predetermined pre-history.
Purpose and general information about the applications included in the complex CARD-M
Application CARD-M_WRITE is designed for the following tasks:
- On the first channel of the reception of radar data from:
- COM port output from HDLC adapter (built into the extractor, RHP) or from the output of the receiving modem (RS-232C interface);
- Ethernet LAN in the protocol Multicast UDP.
- In the second channel from Ethernet LAN in the protocol Multicast UDP reception of ADS-B data (ASTERIX category 21), or the system tracks data (ASTERIX category 10, 19, 20, 62, 65).
- Comparing the coordinates in azimuth and range (the difference between them and standard deviation) between the two channels from one aircraft.
- Display units of ASTERIX input data stream in hexadecimal (HEX) code.
- Recording the received data in files in the intervals of 60 minutes.
- Analysis of data corruption in the communication channel (for HDLC protocol, because Multicast UDP data is controlled at the network level) and matching to the ASTERIX format.
- The number and percentage of "short" (less than the minimum possible length of 10 bytes) HDLC frames.
- The number and percentage of "long" (higher than the maximum possible by format length of 512 bytes) HDLC frames.
- The number and percentage for an interval of 10 seconds of bad HDLC frames with mismatch checksum CRC16.
- Percent fill of communication channel (time of data transmission in channel when transmitting data packets for 10 seconds). At a given data rate of 9600 bps or 19200 bps.
- Counting the number for each category received packets ASTERIX during 10 seconds (including the channel and loading percentage for HDLC).
- Display of radar data in real time on the display round view (PPI).
- Displays the status of radar complex, data which transmitted as part of ASTERIX categories 2, 34.
- Detection and display of gaps (packet loss) for sector and north marks.
- Displaying weather information transmitted from the radar complex in ASTERIX category 8 (formats I008 / 036, I008 / 038).
- Selection to display only those aircraft the values of target ID (Callsign, Squawk, 24-bit ICAO address) of which partially or fully match to the defined ones.
- Backlight system tracks with a radius correctness Rc[m] less than the specified. Where Rc[m] - integral index of precision positioning for the categories ASTERIX 10 (Field I010/500 Standard Deviation of Position), 20 (Field I020/500 Position Accuracy), 21 (Field I021/090 Quality Indicators (PIC)).
Application СARD-M_VIEW is designed for the following tasks:
- Decoding of the data from the file records of category ASTERIX 1, 2, 8, 10, 19, 20, 21, 34, 48, 62, 63, 65, 250 and mapping the decoded data in a table in accordance with the UAP tables (User Application Profile) as specified in the documents of EUROCONTROL;
- The display on the PPI information on aircraft position in step-by-step and continuous accelerated mode;
- Display the decoded data of radar complex status (ASTERIX categories 2, 34) and the detection of gaps (packet loss) in transmission of sector and north marks;
- Performing a search (filtration of) the data according to certain specified criteria with the purpose of their subsequent separate decode and display on the PPI.
Application CARD-M_ANALYZER is designed for the following tasks:
- The calculation of the probability of target detection radar indicators for primary and secondary channel.
- The calculation of probability indicators provides additional information (Mode-A, Mode-C).
- Calculation of dead funnel of radar at a predetermined height.
- The calculation of the maximum detection ranges of the radar at a predetermined height.
- Calculation accuracy of radar characteristics in range and azimuth.
- Calculation bias of radar range and azimuth relative to the reference GPS coordinates of laboratory plane or ADS-B data from other aircraft.
- Calculation accuracy of determining the characteristics of the radar tracker speed and heading of the aircraft in comparison with the data from ADS-B, or data of laboratory plane.
- Statistical analysis of the passage of additional information Mode-3A (Squawk) and MODE-C (Height).
- The calculation of the integrated probability for detecting by heights.
- Making a report for flight check of radar in the prescribed form.
- Preparation of the report for flight check of radar in the prescribed form.
Application SysRadMonitor-M is designed for the following tasks:
- Reception of radar data and system track data from the ATC, in which participate selected radar.
- Processing and display of radar data and system tracks on the monitor.
- Displaying cartographic data and information on the structure of the airspace.
- Writing to a file received data and playback on the PPI recorded data.
- Comparison of the data from radar and data from the ATC, on the selected aircraft.
- Calculation of error between the coordinates of the aircraft from radar and ATC in range and azimuth.
- Displaying of a planning information in the aircraft's logbook, received as part of the category ASTERIX 62.
Application CARD-M_ADS-B is designed for the following tasks:
- Getting data from ADS-B receiver SBS-3 via an Ethernet connection.
- Formation of the message category ASTERIX 21 and issue them in the LAN Protocol Multicast UDP. These packages are used by program ASTERIX CARD-M_WRITE and can be transferred to other consumers (eg ATC).
- Simplified display on the PPI provisions of aircraft on which ADS-B data were obtained, as well as statistics on the number and type of DF information received.